We have just launched a new pre-formed tapered board, to effortlessly create a consistent gradient on a solid floor. The Linear Screed-Dec has been designed for use in combination with the shallow Linear Screed Drain and the new HBL-50 Wetroom levelling compound, and removes the need to create the falls directly into the screed.
The introduction of the new Linear Screed-Dec and Hi build latex system, provides our customers with a complete floor build up solution for creating a wetroom on a solid floor.
The Linear Screed-Dec is ideal for use with the newly launched HBL-50 Wetroom Levelling Compound – a rapid set, high build fibre reinforced wetroom levelling compound which provides a fast track floor build up solution for wetrooms. Designed to be poured between 30 -50mm in one pour, it provides an excellent substrate for the Linear Screed-Dec pre-formed tapered board. The unique formulation incorporates specially graded fibres, cement and polymer, leaving a strong smooth base which compensates for uneven floor surfaces. Thanks to its rapid set formulation, the HBL-50 is ready to accept the Linear Screed-Dec and can be waterproofed onto within 24 hours.
Available in nine standard lengths* which are all trimmable on site, the new Linear Screed-Dec is lightweight and easy to handle. Additional Decs can be combined to create a shower area of almost any size. The Linear Screed-Dec cuts wetroom installation time thanks to its built in 11mm fall and in addition, removes the need to pour screed to falls on site, which can be a difficult and time-consuming process. The guaranteed gradient ensures tiling is straight forward and can take place immediately following the installation of RIW Tilesafe sheet waterproof membrane.
The Linear Screed-Dec and HBL-50 Wetroom Levelling compound are both available from stock for next day delivery and come with a lifetime guarantee. They are also available to view on the RIBA Product Selector website and will hold an NBS Plus specification imminently.
*Available in nine standard lengths – 300mm, 500mm, 700mm, 800mm, 900mm, 1000mm, 1100mm, 1200mm and 1500mm.

Floor Build Up Drawing shows the Linear Screed-Dec & HBL-50 in situe